Diorskin Nude Concealer - Review and Swatches
I recently read a rave review about this by the lovely Karima from Shameless Fripperies (link). It was hailed as being a good hydrating concealer that didn't emphasise dry patches etc. and yet still provided decent coverage. But I'm sorry Karima, I have to disagree.
I personally find, from the few products I've tried, that Dior tend to be a bit hit and miss. Perhaps I've just been unlucky or haven't quite found the secret to using them properly.
Although I thought the consistency of this concealer was quite nice and creamy, upon application it fell short for me. It immediately snatched onto the dry skin around my nose - which I don't find happens with my Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer. But probably, the worst thing I found about this concealer, is that it oxidised. I've never really encountered this issue before with a concealer and I was quite surprised that it happened. I tried different bases, setting powders, setting sprays, primers - really I exhausted all options. Admittedly, the colour match when first applied isn't perfect, but I noticed throughout the day the yellow tone becomes more orange and much more noticeable. I even purchased the lightest shade available(001), so probably not the best concealer for those of us on the paler side.
So while I could just about get away with using it on my chin area - less dry skin, it didn't wear very well throughout the day and just left me feeling a bit cheapened by the experience. Which isn't exactly what you want from a luxury brand, with equally luxury prices. It retails for $52AUD from David Jones (link).
Have you tried this concealer?
Ellen Rozalia xx
**Dislclaimer: All items mentioned were purchased by me with my own money and my opinions remain honest and entirely my own.